Samara Trails tour takes you through the Werner Sauter Biological Reserve, one of the only private reserves in Guanacaste.
Described as “An invigorating, holistic experience where adventure, contact with nature, learning about local and native traditions, are enjoyed on a relaxing tour through a private wilderness reserve.”
The 3-hour guided moderate hike starts on a former cattle farm, continues through a mango plantation and finally takes you to the reserve where nature runs wild.
Along the tour you will be introduced and an amazing array of flora and fawn, huge trees many of which are first growth “Dry tropical rain forest”. If you are quite there will be many opportunities to see animal life. Also, you will be treated to the colorful history of this area of Guanacaste.
We want you to feel, breathe and experience the unique tropical dry forest.
As a bonus, you will also learn about many native and medicinal plants of the area.
Come, walk in the footsteps of the native peoples who inhabited the land long before the time of Columbus.
Use the FREE CALL button or fill out the online contact form below to ask for availability and to make your reservation.